So we had our first experience with the tooth fairy a couple of weeks ago and it did not go so smoothly. We were at Wild River Country all morning and when we got home I put them in the bathtub. Logan realized in the bath that his loose tooth had fallen out but he didn't know where. So we looked in the water and around on the floor and never found it. I told him it was okay because he could just write a note to the tooth fairy explaining what happened and she would still leave him something. Here is the note.

It says "tooth fairy I am very sorry I lost my tooth" - So sweet! So the next morning he walks into the living room with the sadest look on his face and I immediately knew what happened - I forgot! I felt so bad! I told him it was okay because maybe the tooth fairy didn't know to stop and read his note but tonight we would fold up a tiny piece of paper to look like a tooth and then she would know to stop. He was totally satisfied with this plan. This kid is so resilient. But then his other tooth was really wiggly and at Nana's she pulled it for him. So now the tooth fairy would know to come! I did not forget this time. I wrote a nice note explaining what happened and I tied his money to it and stuck it under his pillow. About 6:00 the next morning I woke up because someone was staring at me. Logan was standing in the doorway looking mad. I told him to go back to bed because it was too early. When I got up he had gone back to sleep and I looked and the note and money had fallen in between his bed and dresser in the night, so he thought she hadn't come again! So I slipped it back under his pillow and when he woke up the second time it was there. Who knew how hard it is to be the tooth fairy.
The tooth fairy's note-

Snaggletooth -

After the first incident of the tooth fairy forgetting, Pop gave Logan and Wiley each a $1 in case she forgot again. I asked Wiley what he was going to do with his dollar and he told me he was going to give it to the tooth fairy for some gold teeth. To this Logan says, "NO! You get gold teeth when you don't brush your teeth."
I love it, Wiley wants silver caps!
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