Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bye bye Kindergarten, hello summer!

Well we have officially begun our summer vacation. Logan graduated from Kindergarten on Friday. My baby is not a baby at all anymore. I really hope I can keep my sanity this summer with all three boys. We'll see!
First day of school-

Last day of school-

Logan is is the front row, right side in a red shirt-

Sully was so tired he kept resting his head in my hand! (awwwww)

They were so proud, you would think they were graduating high school!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wiley's Mother's Day Out

Wiley had his last day of Mother's Day Out last Thursday and I am so sad. I think it is because he is growing up and becoming a such a big boy. I can not believe how fast this school year has gone. Wiley went to Mother's Day Out for the first time and Logan went to Elementary school for the first time and now they are old pros.
First day of school-

Last day of school-

On the playground-

Wiley's class (He is in the front middle)-

Here is video of Wiley's nursery rhyme program

Wiley's picture in the nursery rhyme book the teachers made for the parents

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Great Outdoors

Lately the boys have been spending ALOT of time outside. The weather has been so nice and we finally got the backyard cleaned up where they can safely go outside and play. And we have grass in our frontyard now too! Things are really coming along in the yard and the boys are having a blast.

How old does Logan look in this picture!

In case you are wondering why Wiley is in a Santa Claus shirt it is because he has decided he hates to wear shirts with "little" sleeves and he will empty out drawers of shirts searching for one with "big" sleeves. I am hiding them as fast as I can but he keeps finding more. He is a strange little guy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day '08

I would have to say for me it was a very calm mother's day this year. I think we spread it out a little more over the whole weekend so we didn't feel so rushed. I am very overwhelmed and crazy most of the time but I honestly can not think of one thing I would rather be doing instead of being a mother to these boys. I know that this time with them, while they are little, is going to go by so fast and I feel like I trying to hold on with white knuckles and not miss a thing. These are some pictures we made at the Old Mill for mother's day gifts and some pictures from our lunch at my mom's.