Friday, November 14, 2008

What's for Thanksgiving?

So if you are having turkey for Thanksgiving this year, Logan has done an awesome illustration on how we get our Thanksgiving turkeys.

That's right. You shoot it with a rocket. Bet you didn't know that little piece of Thanksgiving/turkey trivia. And apparently after that it goes strait into your treasure chest. I don't think we will be having turkey this year.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fun, fun, fun

I have a lot of cute pictures lately as well as a lot of stress so I am going to look at my cute pictures and ignore all of the screaming in the background!
Wiley the basketball star
My little dishwasher (or should I say - the antidishwasher)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sully's birthday extravaganza

Sully on his "real" birthday
Papaw with Sully the spider
Wiley, Aubrey, Anna Belle, and Logan
Not so sure about this messy cake thing
Happy birthday my sweet baby boy!